Wartsare neoplasms on the skin that appear as a result of the active multiplication in the human body of thehuman papillomavirus(HPV). They do not pose a direct threat to human life and health, but under unfavorable conditions they can develop into oncological tumors. If the growth is injured, bleeding opens. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of such defects. Removing warts with celandine is a safe and effective method. The main thing is to remember the features of this plant and the rules for its use.
Healing properties of celandine
Celandine is very often used to eliminate various skin imperfections. This plant has a unique chemical composition. It contains the following substances:
- Organic acids.
- Flavonoids.
- Essential oils.
- Alkaloids.
- Carotenoids.
- Acids.
Thanks to this, celandine has a strong antibacterial and immunostimulating effect. The presence of alkaloids helps to relieve tissue swelling and relieve pain. The acids included in the plant suppress the papillomavirus, which reduces the likelihood of relapse.
The highest concentration of active substances in the plant sap. It burns out neoplasm cells, has an antitumor effect. The flavonoids contained in it heal wounds quickly, making the healing process faster.
The use of celandine allows not only to remove warts, but also to improve the condition of the skin. The plant contains vitamins that nourish the epidermis. They also have a beneficial effect on local immunity.
Benefits of this treatment
Celandine against warts is very effective. Among the key advantages of this therapy are:
- Burning out growths is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, itching and burning do not occur.
- The medicinal composition does not have to be purchased at the pharmacy, you can prepare it yourself.
- Similar agents can be used to treat malignant neoplasms. They have an obituary effect on them.
- The juice of this plant helps not only to remove the growth, but also fights against its root cause - viruses.
Using celandine for warts helps to completely eliminate the defect. At the same time, you should not expect a quick result. The course of treatment will be long. How long it will last will depend on the characteristics of the build-up. On average, it takes about 20 days. It will be possible to achieve the result only if all the rules for using the product are observed.
Disadvantages of therapy

Despite all the effectiveness, celandine treatment for warts cannot be called completely safe. It can lead to the following negative consequences:
- If the permissible dosage is exceeded, burns may appear on the skin, severe irritation, the epidermis begins to peel off. This is due to the high concentration of alkaloids in the plant. They are toxic to the human body.
- After celandine, scars may remain at the site of the growth. It will be impossible to get rid of them.
- A medicine based on such a plant can provoke a strong allergic reaction.
- If the technology of the procedures is violated, the infection spreads to healthy tissues. As a result, after a while, warts reappear in greater numbers.
Before starting therapy, it is necessary to study exactly the technique of how to remove warts with celandine. Only if all the rules are observed will it be possible to avoid negative consequences.
Remember that celandine is a poisonous plant. If its juice gets on healthy tissues, they should be immediately washed with plenty of water.
In some cases, the use of celandine against warts and papillomas is strictly prohibited. Among the main contraindications are:
- Bronchial asthma.
- Individual intolerance to the substances contained in the plant.
- Epilepsy.
- Mental abnormalities.
- Angina pectoris.
- Pregnancy during periods of breastfeeding.
Celandine is used with extreme caution to treat children. Before using such a medicine, it is imperative to consult a doctor.
It is important to strictly follow the technology on how to use celandine for warts. Its violation can provoke skin burns and other negative consequences. There are a few key precautions to take when using the medication:
- Make sure that you have no allergic reactions to the components of the medicine. To do this, apply a small amount of the drug to the elbow. If after a while there is no swelling and redness, you can safely begin therapy.
- It is forbidden to use celandine for warts if their number is more than five.
- After the remedy takes effect, the build-up is covered with a crust. You cannot tear it off, it must fall off on its own.
- When applying the product, protect healthy skin areas by lubricating them with a greasy cream.
- Celandine is not recommended for removing warts on the face, as scars may remain after treatment.
- Before applying the product, it is recommended to steam the build-up. This will facilitate the entry of medicinal substances into the tissues.
Before starting therapy, consult your doctor. A specialist will be able to identify if you have contraindications and talk about how to use celandine for warts in your case.
Pharmacy products
Modern pharmacology offers several effective medicines for wart, which are produced on the basis of celandine. The list of the most popular tools includes:
- Juice. Available in small dark glass bottles. Celandine juice can be used externally and drunk internally. If the patient has liver or kidney pathologies, then the use of such a medication is contraindicated. On the first day, take four drops of juice, previously diluted in a tablespoon of pure water, twice a day. It is better to do this half an hour before meals. The next day, the number of drops is increased by one. This is done until the dosage reaches 15 drops. The maximum concentration of the drug is consumed within two months. According to the reviews of those who used this technique, it is additionally necessary to treat the growths with juice several times a day.
- Ointment with celandine and make-up. This medicine helps with warts, condyloma and papilloma. It has a strong antitumor effect, acts as an antiseptic and anesthetic. It is recommended to treat the neoplasm with such an ointment three times a day.
- Celandine balm. Helps get rid of various types of warts and papillomas. The drug has a fungicidal effect, disinfects the skin and relieves inflammation. It must be applied directly to the build-up in a thick layer and kept for about 10 minutes. The remains of the product are then removed with a cotton swab. Balm is referred to as a remedy for warts on the neck and face.
- Ointment. A multicomponent composition in which celandine extract is present in high concentration. It can be used to cauterize warts, disinfect and heal small wounds. It has a gentle effect on the skin, therefore it is allowed to use it on sensitive areas of the body.
- Drops. Gentian and golden rhododendron are used as additional components in the medicine. Such a solution destroys dead cells of the growth and prevents the spread of infection to healthy tissues. It is widely used to eliminate plantar warts. The liquid is treated with neoplasms for a week.
Before using celandine for warts, read the instructions for use of the drug. Follow the prescribed dosages carefully.
Today in pharmacies you can find a drug that is made on the basis of alkali. There are no plant components in it.
Folk recipes
Home-made products are becoming an excellent alternative to pharmaceutical preparations. Celandine is recommended to be harvested during the flowering period. At this time, it accumulates the maximum amount of healing components. Choose only plants with bright green leaves and no signs of disease or pests.
Always wear rubber gloves and goggles when harvesting raw materials. Eye contact with juice can cause serious vision problems.
Ointments, tinctures and decoctions of the plant are used to remove warts with celandine. The use of pure juice is also effective.
A sufficient amount of fresh raw materials must be prepared for juicing. Plants should be pulled up along with the roots. They are thoroughly washed before processing. All parts of the plant are passed through a meat grinder twice. The prepared gruel is squeezed out with gauze folded in several layers. The juice released during this is poured into bottles made of dark glass, tightly corked. After a week, the liquid begins to ferment. The accumulating gas must be released every day. The fermentation process ends in about 10 days. The medicine can then be used.
Before starting the procedure, cleanse the skin with hot water. The juice is applied to the surface of the build-up with a cotton swab. Celandine for wart removal is used three times a day for a week. After the neoplasm darkens, you can reduce the frequency of use to once a day.
Before starting the cauterization procedure, protect the healthy tissue with an adhesive plaster. Cut a hole in it, the size of which matches the parameters of the build-up. Stick it so that the growth is exactly in the hole.
Alcohol tincture
An effective way to treat warts with celandine is the use of alcohol tincture. In this state, the active ingredients retain their effectiveness longer. To prepare the medicine, fill two-thirds of a glass liter jar with fresh plant leaves. Pour alcohol to the brim. Keep such a composition in a dark place. The infusion time is three weeks.
The prepared tincture is used to wipe the neoplasms several times a day. It is better to remove plantar warts with compresses. To do this, apply a tincture to a cotton swab and apply it to the growth for 15 minutes.
Liquid oil extract of celandine is considered a gentle agent, as it does not provoke skin burns. It can be applied to children. It is important to know how to properly prepare such a medicine.
Fresh leaves are ground in a mortar. Fill a half-liter jar with them to the top. Pour in high quality olive oil, preheated in a water bath. Mix thoroughly. Leave warm for 12 hours. After that, they are removed to a cool place out of reach of sunlight and kept for about a week.
The finished product is filtered and used to prepare medicinal compresses. A cotton swab is moistened in oil and applied to the wart. A new dressing should be applied every 12 hours. The therapy lasts about two weeks. The use of such an extract of celandine for warts is most effective.
Broth is the safest remedy. It contains a small concentration of active ingredients. Because of this, this medicine is effective for small neoplasms.
To prepare a healing product, fresh grass is dried in a well-ventilated area. Ten grams of prepared raw materials are poured with 1. 5 liters of water. Boil for 10 minutes. Filter the liquid and moisten a cotton pad in it. Apply it to the build-up. This compress is kept overnight.
Another way to remove a wart with celandine is to use the decoction inside. It should be consumed twice a day, one glass at a time. If a person has drunk significantly more of this liquid, signs of acute poisoning may appear. In such a situation, you need to contact a medical institution for help.
Homemade ointment is widely used to cauterize wart with celandine. It is very simple to prepare it, just mix a small amount of glycerin with celandine juice. The result should be a thick composition.
The method of how to apply the ointment is no different from the use of other medicines. She is treated with a build-up several times a day. Be sure to apply the product at night. This remedy for warts is used for two weeks.
Many who have encountered a similar problem are wondering if celandine helps against warts. Numerous studies confirm that this plant effectively copes with this task. The main thing is to strictly observe all dosages and rules for using the medicine.
Celandine treatment has been experienced by many. Basically, all the reviews about this therapy are positive. The tool acts slowly, but it allows you to completely burn out the build-up, so it is well-deservedly popular. Negative reviews are more often the result of a violation of the instructions for the use of drugs and exceeding the recommended dosage. Apply celandine correctly and warts will no longer torment you.
When using such medicines for children, you need to be extremely careful. You can start a course only after the recommendation of a pediatrician. It is better to use the most gentle drugs, for example, ointments and decoctions.
Celandine is not the only remedy for burning warts. Today, many modern techniques have been developed that allow you to remove the build-up in one procedure. At the same time, the use of the medicinal plant remains popular. This method will be ideal for treating the disease at an early stage. The main thing is to follow all the precautions and not forget how to use the funds correctly.